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Thank you for your interest in the Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot (RNIP)! Moose Jaw RNIP provides a pathway to permanent residency (PR) for foreign nationals who want to work and settle long-term within its boundaries. A genuine job offer is one requirement for RNIP, so the employer’s cooperation is necessary. Please read the following if you are experiencing a labour shortage and you:

  • Need to hire a foreign national, or
  • You currently employ a foreign national and would like to recommend them for PR through RNIP


1) The RNIP Application for employers is a one-time application. Once you have been approved by the Program Coordinator, you may recommend multiple candidates for Moose Jaw RNIP.

2) The Moose Jaw & District Chamber of Commerce is the designated economic development organization (EDO) for conducting this program.  

For more information regarding the Pilot, please visit the IRCC website.

Employer PROCESS

Your business must:

  • Be located within the community boundaries as outlined on this map
  • Has operated within Moose Jaw or the eligible boundaries for at least 1 year and have conducted regular business in Moose Jaw during that time period
  • Demonstrate that they have employed at least one full-time employee in Moose Jaw for a period of at least 6 months
  • If requested, provide evidence of the local resumes and job applications that the employer has accepted for the position, and their reasoning as to why the local applicant was not considered for the position
  • Have employees ‘actively engaged’ in the business and in the community, working regularly at the business’s registered location or within the community boundaries
  • Offer a job which fits the job offer requirements
  • Hold a valid Certificate of Registration under The Foreign Worker Recruitment and Immigration Services Act. If you do not have one, apply here.

Note: The application page indicates that it is specific to the Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program (SINP), but it also applies to the RNIP program.

Align with all other requirements on the Employer Declaration (see step 2 below)

A complete application includes:

Submit to info@moosejawrnip.ca

  • Conduct normal hiring procedures
  • Provide selected employee with completed IMM 5984 “Offer of Employment” form
    • Find form-specific instructions here
  • Instruct employee to apply for RNIP Community Recommendation following these instructions
  • Fulfill settlement commitments as outlined on the Employer Application
  • Please see the FAQs for information on RNIP timelines.
  • If no Canadians or PRs are available to fill your position, hiring temporary residents already in Moose Jaw/ Saskatchewan/ Canada will typically be much faster than hiring an overseas candidate.
  • All RNIP PR applicants have the option to apply for an employer-specific work permit after submitting their PR application. This is not mandatory, so if you require them to apply for a work permit you must communicate this.
  • Be as clear as possible with your expectations (when you expect them to complete their PR application; work permit application; how soon you expect them to begin working after receiving approval; etc.). Also be aware that the process may be delayed by something outside of their control (home country’s exit requirements; delayed medical examinations; etc.). Communicate with them throughout the process.
  • Screen your employee as thoroughly as possible to ensure that they are fit for the job. While a PR application is in progress, a candidate’s employment status must remain consistent with the IMM 5984. Any change in status – either within your company or by resignation/ termination – will result in the revocation of their permanent residency application.
  • Receiving a recommendation from Moose Jaw RNIP does not guarantee permanent residence; IRCC has sole authority to approve or refuse permanent residence applications.
  • If you are not satisfied with the candidate’s efforts to come work for you after clearly stating your expectations, you may inform the Program Coordinator.

Moose Jaw RNIP has expanded its boundaries! Employers must conduct business within this boundary (in red) in order to use the program.

See larger map here.


Fraud and misrepresentation are taken very seriously by Moose Jaw RNIP and by IRCC. Any business found to be misrepresenting themselves or committing fraud will be banned from applying for recommendation for the duration of the Pilot, along with any associated parties.

Misrepresentation and fraud can take many forms including, but not limited to:

  • Submission of fraudulent documents;
  • Accepting or offering money for a job offer; or
  • Intentionally misleading Moose Jaw RNIP